Francesca Bampa

Project officer Science Unit, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe

Francesca Bampa works at the UNESCO regional bureau for Science and Culture in Europe as Project Officer in the Science Unit. She coordinates and manages UNESCO’s contribution as partner of two EU H2020 funded projects: SHELTER and GEO4CIVHIC and several EU Horizon Europe project proposals. Furthermore, she contributes to planning and implementing the science activities in South East Europe and the Mediterranean in the area of natural sciences, notably climate change, disaster risk reduction, water resources management, ecosystem services involving UNESCO designated sites, Chairs, Centers and other networks. Francesca combines in her work longstanding project management expertise and scientific knowledge. Prior to joining UNESCO in December 2019, she managed the 5-years H2020 project LANDMARK as research officer at the Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands. She holds a joint Ph.D. on soil carbon sequestration (European Commission Joint Research Centre and Padova University, 2014) and a M.Sc. with honors in Environmental sciences and technologies (Padova university, 2008).